Asha Singh, Chhavi Pant, R.P. Singh, K.R. Naik and J.K. Sharma
A field experiment was conducted at Product testing Unit Agronomy, Department of Agronomy, JawaharlalNehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur to evaluate the effect of foliar application of seaweed saps (K-sapfrom Kappaphycus sp. and G-sap from Gracilariasp.) at different concentrations with recommended dose offertilizer (RDF) on growth and yield of maize in sandy clay loam soil of Kymore plateau. The foliar spray ofK-sap and G-sap at 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10.0% v/v with 100% RDF and 6.25% v/v of K and G-sap with 50% RDFwas performed thrice (at 25, 50 and 75 Days after sowing). Results revealed that application of K-sap or Gsapat different concentrations along with RDF significantly enhanced the plant growth parameters andyield attributes. In general, gradual increase in growth parameters, yield attributes and yields were observedwith increasing the concentration of K-sap or G-sap. The highest grain and stover yields were recordedunder the application of 10% K-sap with 100% RDF, resulting in 34.78 and 20.12% during 2012 and 18.32and 23.60% increases during 2013, respectively over control (water spray with 100% RDF) and closelyfollowed by 10% G-sap with 100% RDF.