P. Umamaheswari, T. Raghavendra and V. Jayalakshmi
The study was carried out at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Nandyal to study the performance ofadvance chickpea breeding lines under rainfed and irrigated conditions during Rabi 2020-21 and 2021-22in black cotton soils. The experiment was conducted in Factorial Randomized Block Design with eightchickpea genotypes (four Desi : NBeG 49, NBeG 776, NBeG 779, NBeG 857 and four Kabuli : NBeG 440,NBeG 789, NBeG 833, NBeG 844) under rainfed and irrigated condition with gross plot size 7.2 m2.Significantly higher seed yield was recorded in desi genotypes, i.e NBeG-857 (2592 kg/ha) followed byNBeG- 779 (2526 kg/ha) and in kabuli genotype NBeG-440 (2055 kg/ha) followed by NBeG- 833 (1874 kg/ha). The seed yield in irrigated conditions (2326 kg/ha) was significantly higher compared to rainfedconditions (1992 kg/ha). The interactions between genotypes and irrigation was not significant. In desigenotypes hundred seed weight was higher in NBeG -779 (28.7g) and in kabuli NBeG-833 had higher seedsize (44.5g). Chickpea genotypes responded to irrigation and an yield advantage of 442 kg/ha was realizeddue to improvement in biomass and source sink relationship.