Piyush Kumar Bhargaw, S. Karmakar, Arvind Kumar Singh, C.S. Singh and Ramesh Kumar
A 2-year field experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of tillage and residue managementpractices on yield and NPK uptake by wheat under rice wheat cropping system at Birsa AgriculturalUniversity, Ranchi, Jharkhand. There were four tillage practices and four residue management practicesarranged in split plot design with three replications. Higher NPK uptake by wheat, protein productivity,grain and straw yield as well as yield attributes viz., number of spikes m-2, number of grains spike-1 and1000-seed weight (g) recorded under conventional tillage wheat sown after conventional tillage rice (CTCT)and residue retained in both crops (R-R) whereas lower recorded under zero tillage wheat sown afterzero tillage rice (ZT-ZT) and without residue retained in both crops (NR-NR) during both the year ofexperimentations.