M. Bhargava Narasimha Yadav, G. Padmaja and M. Madhavi
At the PJTSAU Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, incubation tests were conducted tosee how toluene, KNO3 and glucose affect the activity of the soil enzyme L-glutaminase. Toluene has aconsiderable impact on the activity of L-glutaminase; it lowers enzyme activity in all soils. From 17.19 % to36.06 %, the percentage drop in activity caused by the addition of toluene was more pronounced in blacksoils as compared to red soils. For six days, L-glutaminase activity increased in soils that had been incubatedwith either glucose or glucose-nitrate mixtures. Glucose and nitrate-treated soils were more active thansoils that had only been nitrate-treated alone.