M.B. Khamkar, S.J. Shinde, D.S. Patil , S.A. More, Y.S. Saitwal and S.D. Gaikwad
In order to study the effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on growth and yield parameters of clusterbean (Cyamopsis tatragonoloba (L.) Taub) a field experiment was conducted in Department of Horticulture, Marathwada Agricultural University, Parbhani with variety Pusa Navbahar in monsoon 2009-10. Results of the experiment showed that the effect of chemical fertilizer (NPK), FYM, vermicompost, on growth and yield attributing characters such as days required for flower initiation, number of days required from sowing to first picking, yield per plant (g), yield per plot (kg) and yield per hectare (q) was significant. The application of 50% RDF +50% Vermicompost enhanced the vegetative growth and reproductive growth as well as yield attributes of clusterbean.