Milad Safori, Saeid Shabanlou, FarshadAlijani
In most of the combined operation models from either the surface water or the ground waters, consideringin action of the aquifer and the surface waters are very important and they are not often taken into consideration as a result of the available measurement problems. This subject can affect considerably the accuracy of the new processed and operatory policies. The main purpose in simulating the quality of the aquifer is to predict and study the temporal and spatial variations of the water table resulted from the various qualified tensions affecting the aquifer. In addition, by means of the model and the data of the field observations, one can either measure or correct the physicals, hydraulically or hydro dynamical characteristics of the aquifer, such as hydraulic conductivity and the storage coefficient. The researcher in this paper makes use of the Visual Modflow which itself uses the known model of Modflow, to study the quality variations of the aquifer and the in action of the grounds recharge, surface and ground waters. After that and by means of the quantity simulation results of the aquifer, the mean level variation of the aquifer, the values for the volume of the inlet and outlet water to the aquifer will be measured, and the model for predicting the future variation trend of the aquifer is being prepared. In this research paper Khoveyes plain has been evaluated as a case study.