Groundwater and Surface water are the major sources of drinking water in both urban and rural areas in India. Water contamination is a serious problem prevailing everywhere due to an increase in anthropomorphic influences on landscape. Pollution by heavy metals are causing a serious environmental problem, the heavy metals that are beyond the desired limits in drinking water may cause severe health problems and also cause illness. Environmental geochemical studies were carried out to find out the extent of contamination in groundwater with respect to trace elements in Kalwakurthy area, Nagar Kurnool District, Telangana, India. Twenty Five groundwater samples were collected in different locations from the study area and analyzed for twelve trace elements viz., As, Li, Fe, Cr, Se, Ni, Cd, Pb, Co, Mn, Zn and F. It is found that concentrations of As, Cr, Co, Se are 5 to 10 times more than the permissible limits making the groundwater unsuitable for drinking purpose. Several villages have been affected by the toxic pollutants in the area. The Groundwater in the areas is contaminated with respect to these elements. The concentrations of these metals in the study area were compared with drinking water quality limits given by the Bureau of Indian Standards (2009).